A warm welcome
Immerse yourself in the mountains! The small cable car takes guests to the premium seat on the unique terrace with fine specialties and selected wines.
Mountain restaurant
Delicious menus served from Sandra Honegger and team. We love to surprise you!
Peaceful hideaway
Inspiration and peace while hiking in the mountains, snowshoe walking or tobogganing.
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Time for pleasure

Mountain restaurant Fuerenalp
moreWinter hiking

Fresh air!
moreSnowshoe walking

on the "Grotzli" or "Titlis" marked trails
moregift voucher

Make someone happy
Take a ride up and slow down!
A warm Welcome dear guests and friends of the Fürenalp,
Fürenalp - a jewel in the crown of the alpine world. The peaceful hideaway is situated 1850 meters above sea level with an exclusive view of the great and small Spannort, Titlis and Engelberg.
Deeply breathe in the fresh and clear alpine air and relax while enjoying our restaurant on Fürenalp (1850 m above sea level) in Engelberg situated in the middle of a spectacular mountain panorama.
With all the best wishes, your Fürenalp Team