Prices Winter-season

ForReturn-fair CHF
Adults (from 16 years)21.00
Guestcard Engelberg19.00
Seniors (64 and over)19.00
Children (6-15 years)10.50
Children (6-15 years) with guest card Engelberg9.50
Groups of 10 persons and more18.00
Family card (2 adults plus 2-4 children under 16 years)54.00
  • The destination abo Engelberg (winter card Engelberg, all year pass Engelberg) are valid at the Fuerenalp.
  • For evening transportion there is no reduction and no pass (abo) valid - the standard price.
  • Special offers for groups (min. 10 people) on request
  • Tell pass card is valid
  • In the winter season we offer only return tickets and now single-fair.
  • SBB GA and Halfprice abo are not valid. We are a small company and not part of the SBB cooperation.

Fürenalp Lift pass

20 - times pass (valid 2 years + personal) adultCHF 180.--
20 - times pass (valid 2 years + personal) with guest card Engelberg / seniorsCHF 160.--
Prices for local person on request

The time pass is valid for two years of the issue date.
The time pass ist personal and not transferable to an other person.
Each transport is one point - Return trip = two points.